There is a beauty to them though.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Not much to love..
There is a beauty to them though.
Writed by
10:50 AM
Monday, May 5, 2008
My computer no worky
Thanks to Ken at the home office, my computer thing is up and runnin again.
Thanks to all of you who DIDN"T click for me in my state of internet despair and allowed me to plummet down the ranks of humor-blogs.
Yeah, yeah, I'll forgive you, (for a click apiece!)
But hey!
I can't remember when, and don't remember why, but I put this site of idiocracy on Blondies Humor and Fun. I almost forgot all about it. Clicked on it today to find that - (drum roll) - I am #1!
Just goes to show, that ... well , it just goes.
Anycrap on a stick, I'll be back with as much funny as I can possibly spew forth (without getting any on ya) as soon as I cash this check for 360 billion.
So if you need to borrow a billion or two, let me know.
Writed by
1:15 PM