Dear Apple
I would like to congratulate you on your sucess with electronic devices such as the i-pod and the newer i-phone. You have brought some pretty cool technology to everyday devices and we all enjoy using your products.
In case the gurus down in the nerdatorium are looking for new i-deas for '09, I've come up with a few for your consideration:
The i-pet. All kinds of animals with OFF switches, and best of all, no food to dish out or crap to scoop up.
The i-car. Hands free driving and downloadable road rage.
The i-pad. The ladies will love it! When it's that time of the month, who wouldn't enjoy a lttle music?
The i-pon. When the i-pad just won't do.
The die-pod. Dr. Kevorkian and Texas State Penetentiary will be first in line. (and those freaky goth people when they're not whining about somethin.)
The rye-pod. Make a call, then eat the phone. It's wireless AND it's lunch.
The tie-pod. I see this as a fathers day fave.
The i-rect. This has a little somethin for everybody. He won't have to remember his viagara and she can listen to her favorite Luther Vandross tune while she's down south.
Well thanks for your i-time. Gotta go write more letters. I've got some x-rated ideas for the folks over at Wii.
These people are all x-rated.